Continuing Education Credit: Receive credit for your efforts! While continuing to improve your knowledge and skills as a professional forester earn continuing education credits that apply toward Professional Certification!
Continuing Education credits: (applied for): SAF Certified Forester CFE, ISA Certified Arborist CEU, and State-specific pesticide applicator re-certification credits.
A Tree Farm Inspector Training Certification session will be held February 21 from 8:30 am to 12:00 pm and a Pesticide Certification Training from 1:00 to 4:00 pm. A $10 fee for each session will cover the break refreshments.
Reginald D. Forbes Art Show: Since 1974, the art show and competition has been a regular part of the Allegheny Society of American Foresters winter training with the objective of fostering and displaying the artistic abilities of foresters and their family members. All those interested are invited to submit entries. A display area for viewing artwork has been set aside convenient to the main meeting room and exhibitor area. There will be three categories for entries: photography, flat art and 3-dimensional artwork. Ribbons and certificates will be presented. Awards will be determined by the votes of the attendees. So please visit the Art Show and remember to drop your vote in the ballot box after enjoying the show. Contact Mike Kusko at:
Student Forum and Quiz Bowl: This year the student forum will include a mingle and munch at lunch with all attendees. The Thursday afternoon session will have a graduate student research presentation and a panel of public and private forestry professionals and an ISA certified arborist who will interact with students.
Each year college students from the region’s forestry schools compete in the Quiz Bowl. This event tests the forestry knowledge of students from baccalaureate and associate degree forestry programs. We have tried to keep costs as low as possible for students and hope we receive a good response to our “Sponsor a Student” request.
Exhibitors – Sponsors: We invite you to partner with us this year! The Exhibitor/Sponsor form is available in Word and pdf formats. Options have been designed to help you choose the right level for your budget and time. As a promotional partner or technical exhibitor, you will be a key contributor to the success of our Winter Training, providing added value and interest to the program. We also ask you to consider a Sponsorship and/or a donation to the Silent Auction. The sponsorship program has been designed to provide a wide range of options for you to consider. Your support will be appreciated!