Allegheny SAF Summer Conference 2015
The Allegheny SAF 2015 summer conference (see agenda) was held at Lake Raystown Resort in Entriken, PA on September 16-18, 2015. The theme was Forestry in the Land of Rothrock – Conservation Challenges Past and Present. The summer conference is typically a blend of field tours and conference presentations. This sessions field tour focused on the Army Corps of Engineers work surrounding Raystown Lake and PA State Game Lands.
Society of American Foresters CEO, Matt Menashes, was in attendance for the entire conference and presented a National SAF update to the group.
Several of the conference presentations (pdf) are available for downloading below. Others will be added soon:
- The Economic Engine of Huntingdon County: History and Impact of Recreational-Based Tourism in the Raystown Lake Region - Matt Price, Executive Director, Huntington County Visitors Bureau
- The Rothrock Legacy: Joseph Trimble Rothrock - Joe Barnard, USDA Forest Service (Retired)
- Pennsylvania Bureau of Forestry’s Hemlock Conservation Plan - Mark Faulkenberry, Support Section Chief, Pennsylvania Bureau of Forestry Division of Forest Pest Management