Allegheny SAF

Serving Forests and Foresters of PA WV NJ MD DE

The Allegheny SAF has a membership of 1,100 professional foresters in the five states of Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia. 

Since 1900, the Society of American Foresters has provided access to information and networking opportunities to prepare members for the challenges and the changes that face natural resource professionals.

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SAF National Convention 2017


The Future of Forestry: Meeting Diverse Needs in a Changing World
Plan now to join us in lovely Albuquerque, New Mexico. Enjoy the freshly renovated Albuquerque Convention Center surrounded by a revitalized downtown. Under the warm southwestern sun, we will explore how we can transform the way we approach forestry by integrating a social-ecological perspective to research, education, and management and by adapting forestry to a rapidly urbanizing, globalizing, and diversifying environment.

Together we will examine the integration as a multi-faceted concept in the context of forest science, policy, management, and professional education. Learn how foresters can adapt and evolve to remain a relevant part of the modern world by connecting forestry with urban and global environments and the goods and services that come from working forests. Challenge methodologies and be enlightened by the possibilities that can serve us now and transform forestry into the future.

Earlier Event: September 20
Allegheny SAF Summer Training 2017
Later Event: November 16
Maryland Delaware SAF Fall Meeting 2017